Jaw Animation from Audio (Manual Method)

This is the manual method for creating a jaw animation from audio in the DAZL Editor.

  1. In the editor with your show open, view the scene where you wish to add the animation.
  2. Right-click in the scene empty area (below any tracks) and select "Add Audio Track".
  3. Edit the track name then click "Add" to add the audio track.
  4. Right-click on the new audio track and select "Add Audio Clip".
  5. Either select an existing audio file or click the "Import" button to import an external audio file. Click the "Add" button to use that audio file.
  6. Right-click in the scene empty area (below any tracks) and select "Add Animation Track". Select the type of animation track to add then click "Select" to continue.
  7. Modify any track settings you wish to change then click "Add" to add the track.
  8. Set the audio track you added above as the new animation track's input by clicking "Click to add a track input", select the audio track, then click "Add".
  9. To preview the animation to an output, add an animation track output (if you didn't include one when selecting the animation track type above). To do so, click "Click to add a track output" and either select an existing output or select "A new output..." and fill in all the details to create a new output. Click "Add" to use that output.
  10. Record-enable the animation track by clicking its red "R" button.
  11. Select the region you wish to create animation data for on the timescale at the top of the scene. Left-click on the timeline, hold the mouse button down, drag the mouse to highlight a region, then release the mouse button.
  12. Set the looped playback region from this selection by clicking the "Set/Toggle Looped Playback Region" button (yellow brackets left of the looped playback region time range, bottom right).
  13. Set the punch-in region by clicking the "Copy to Punch-in Region" button (down arrow just right of the looped playback region time range).
  14. With both the looped playback and punch-in regions visible (on the timeline at the top), start scene record/playback by clicking the scene "Record" button (red circle). Recording of the animation data will commence and playback should keep looping.
  15. Wait for at least one full pass to record all the animation data from the audio.
  16. If you are happy with how the recorded animation looks, jump to step 19.
  17. Open the "Edit Track Input Audio Conversion Parameters" dialog by clicking the track input's "Edit track input conversion" button. Adjust the various settings to modify the audio conversion. When you are happy with the resulting output, click "Apply" to close the dialog.
  18. Wait for at least one full pass to record all the animation data using the new conversion settings.
  19. When you are ready, stop scene record/playback by clicking the scene "Stop" button (the square).
  20. Record-disable the animation track by clicking its red "R" button again.
  21. Toggle off the punch-in region by clicking the "Set/Toggle Punch-in Region" button again.
  22. Toggle off the looped playback region by clicking the "Set/Toggle Looped Playback Region" button again.
  23. You may disable or remove the animation track input at this point, if you wish.
  24. Enjoy your new audio animation.